2022 Chinaway Volunteer Program

2022 Program Memory

  • teaching video 1
  • teaching video 2
  • teaching video 3
  • teaching video 4
  • teaching video 5
  • teaching video 6
  • teaching video 7
  • teaching video 8


  • 在线支教 1
  • 在线支教 3
  • 在线支教 4
  • 在线支教 5

    Program Detail

    Chinaway Volunteers Program 已经连续10多年利用暑假时间到中国支教。这个项目不仅帮助中国农村及乡镇孩子学习英语口语与美国文化,也培养美国学生的交流能力,锻炼他们的演讲与领导力,开阔美国学生的国际视野。

    For over a decade, the Chinaway Volunteers Program has taught English in China over the summer. This project not only helps Chinese children in rural areas to learn Englishttp://www.chinawayusa.com/administrator/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&layout=pagebreak&tmpl=component&e_name=jform_articletexth and American culture, but also is a way for American volunteers to develop communication skills, improve speech and leadership skills, and overall broadens their view of the world.


    Because of the COVID-19 pandemic, the Chinese government has not allowed large-scale international exchange activities. So in 2020 and 2021, we moved the volunteer project online. We organized charity summer camps and online English classes for more than 10 communities in China through the Zoom platform. Our volunteers taught oral English and American culture to many Chinese children, and received positive feedback. This year, due to current COVID-19 safety guidelines, the 2022 Chinaway Volunteer Project will still be online.


    This year's volunteer program will be from June to July 2022. The exact time and schedule is still to be decided. Our volunteer project this year is mainly to participate in charity activities over summer break and teach English online, so that children in rural areas in China have the opportunity to make American friends, to practice speaking English, and to gain a better understanding of the world.

    根据中国当前对英语教学的整顿,同时根据前2年网上义工的经验,今年Chinaway Volunteers Program将有一些改变,我们将提供完整的教学内容与事前教学培训,使我们的义工活动能给中国孩子进行全面的口语与交流拓展。如果你愿意锻炼自己的演讲能力,了解中国文化,提高中文表达,提高领导能力,敢于在镜头前讲话,我们欢迎你报名参加Chinaway Volunteers Program. 报名截止时间2022年4月15日

    After reviewing China's current English curriculum, and our experience in the previous two years, the Chinaway Volunteer Program will have some changes this year. We will provide complete teaching materials and training so that our volunteer activities can be carried out for the Chinese Children. If you are looking to practice your speaking skills in Chinese, gain a better understanding of Chinese culture, improve your leadership skills, and are willing to teach in front of the camera, we welcome you to sign up for the Chinaway Volunteers Program. The deadline for registration is April 15, 2022.


  • 第一,登记报名点击: Chinaway Application Page
  • 第二,网上交报名费50美元点击:Payment for Chinaway Programs (仅限首次报名的志愿者, 报名费不退)
  • 第三得到我们的具体通知后,完成其它相应手续,包括支教捐款199美元。培训费30~80美元。不同能力水平的学生要求培训的时间与内容不同。

    The registration steps are as follows:

  • 1. First fill out the online form click:Chinaway Application Page;
  • 2. Pay the registration fee $50 click:Payment for Chinaway Programs (only for volunteers who sign up for the first time, no refun)
  • 3. After receiving the confirmation email, follow the instructions and complete the rest of procedures, including donation of 199 US dollars to support education. The training fee is between 30 ~ 80 US dollars. (As students of different ability levels may require different training time and content.)
  • Volunteering

    This year Chinaway Volunteer Program finished. See you in 2025.

  • General Q&A 常规问题解答: Chinaway(Q&A)
  • 往日项目回顾:Galleries
  • Blog: Multidimensional Think

  • GLI & Chinaway Scholarship


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    Please email us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or Call at:
    (408) 359-5776;(925)699-6135 (10am ~ 3pm PST) 
    (925) 478-3968 (Mon ~ Sun 3pm ~ 5pm PST)
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