All Chinaway 2018 summer programs are finished with great success, with The President's Volunteer Service 2018 Gold Award having been awarded as in previous years. Sincere thanks to all volunteer students, parents, and families who participated in and supported these wonderful activities.
大家翘首以盼的2018年ChinaWay暑假项目已经圆满结束。2018的项目有些重要的改进和完善,并开发了新的区域和义工服务内容。根据自2009年以来积攒的经验,今年的项目安排有如下变化。Based on past experiences, the following improvement and changes, including new volunteer services and area, have been made for this year.
The Hunan Changsha project is newly added this year, in addition to the volunteer projects in Beijing and Chengdu. For returning ChinaWay volunteers to participate in Changsha project, we have $100 discount. The Dujiangyan project expands to 30 volunteers. For excellent Boy Scout volunteers, the host in China offers a reward of $300 to $500.
No flights will be arranged by ChinaWay officially. We encourage volunteers to travel together. We will provide assistance if there are any special difficulties.
3)报名最后截止日期是5月15日 (收到全部文件与费用),如逾期报名,将收取加急费用。回头学生继续免报名费。
The application deadline is May 15 (all documents and fees received). Additional registration fee will be charged after the deadline. The registration fee for returning volunteers will be waived.
Finally, please read the introduction of each project carefully. Apply to the project that fits you most.